CoD: Black Ops 6 Zombies - How To Complete The Liberty Falls Main Easter Egg
Here's how to complete the storyline quest for Liberty Falls in BO6 Zombies.
Round-based Zombies returns in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 with two brand-new maps. Both of the launch maps feature a main storyline, and here we guide you through all the steps needed to complete the Liberty Falls main quest.
How to get started with the Liberty Falls main quest
The Liberty Falls storyline quest can be completed either solo or with a squad, but some steps will be made easier with teammates.
First, you'll need to spend the first few rounds opening up the full map, reaching Pack-a-Punch, and crafting the map's Jetgun Wonder Weapon.
Once you've opened up the church's interior, you'll want to interact with the machine located on the right side. This will give you some story dialogue.
Interact with the machine in the room again, and you'll be prompted with the next steps to build the Wonder Wonder needed to progress.
Craft a Jetgun Wonder Weapon

Liberty Falls features a new and improved version of the Jetgun from Black Ops 2's TranZit map, and this variant of the Wonder Weapon is much more satisfying to use and won't break on you.
There are a few steps needed to collect all the parts, but we have a full guide on how to craft the Jetgun here. Alternatively, you can also get lucky and get the Jetgun from the Mystery Box, but your chances are slim.
Collect LTG Device parts
The Jetgun is needed to reach the LTG parts that are all out of reach, by using the vacuuming function of the weapon. (Holding the right trigger)

Church part
First, take the Jetgun to the church. Interact with the machine inside again. Then, look up by the balcony to find a part that looks like a floating hat. Vacuum up the hat with the Jetgun.

Comic book shop part
A second part can be found inside Ollie's comic shop. Head inside and look up. There's a part floating in the hole in the ceiling. Vacuum it up with the Jetgun.

Barbershop part
Another part can be found in the barbershop, which is near Speed Cola. You'll need to hop from the nearby rooftop to the top of the truck that's parked outside of the shop. This lets you vacuum the part out of the top-right window of the barbershop.
Build the LTG device

With all three LTG parts collected, you can now head to the bank's rooftop. Just unlock and use either the zipline or ascender connected to the roof. There is a special crafting bench on the roof just for this device.
Use the LTG device
Grab an Aether canister
Head back into the church after building the LTG. Interact with the machine again to pick up an Aether canister. Whoever holds this item is going to be weighed down and moving slowly.
Take the canister to either of the two Dark Aether storms on the map. There's one at the Cemetery and another just right of the Pump and Pay gas station. The order doesn't matter here, but we'll start the guide at the gas station.
Collect an HVT essence
Place your canister near the trap at the gas station. Then, interact with the trap piece located directly under the purple storm. Doing so will place the LTG device down.
This will spawn zombies for a 60-second window. You need to protect the device from taking damage from zombies during this time. Then, the device will turn red, and a portal will spawn the HVT. This enemy will be either a Mangler or an Abomination.

You need to weaken but not kill the HVT right away. Get the health low and lead the HVT back to the canister you placed down near the trap. The HVT emits purple sparks when the health gets low enough. When this happens, you need to quickly activate the trap. You need to kill the HVT by the canister while the trap is still active.
With the HVT's essence now captured in the trap, you must collect that canister and carry it back to the church. This step is timed at 90 seconds, plus you still move slowly carrying it, so make haste toward the church.
Deposit the filled Aether canister
Deposit this canister back into the machine inside the church. Once the canister is deposited, a tray on the machine will dispense a new item to pick up. This is called a Strauss Counter. Grab it.
Use the Strauss Counter
The Strauss Counter is used to sync up three items on the map that look like old-school film projectors. Using the Strauss Counter is the same button prompt as activating your tactical equipment, and you'll want to activate it while standing beside each of these small devices.
The Strauss Counter will give you a color, which can be green, yellow, or red. Interact with the projector device on the ground until it matches the color shown on your Strauss Counter. Repeat this step for all three devices. These are found as follows:

Church hillside
The closest one is on the hill leading down from the church to the bowling alley.

Near tool shed
Behind the white house on the church street, which is near the Groundskeeper's Tool Shed.

Bank rooftop
On the lower portion of the bank's roof. Head to the main rooftop of the bank, and then drop down on the lower ledge.
Once all devices are synced up with the correct color, a purple beam will shoot out of them in the direction of the gas station. This marks the next place you need to go.
Note: This step was oddly buggy for my playthrough. All devices were synced to the corresponding color, but nothing happened. We ended up advancing the round, and then we tried to turn them all back to green to reset them. Once they all turned green, the devices powered up and worked. So, try this if they don't activate the color combo on the Strauss Counter.
Fill the second Aether canister
A new Aether canister has spawned at the gas station. Pick it up.
Then, make sure to pick up the LTG Device off the trap where you left when you captured the first essence.

Take the LTG and the canister to the cemetery. This is the same process as before with the HVT. This will be either a Mangler or an Abomination, whichever you didn't get as an HVT the first time.
Place the canister near one of the cemetery traps, which is in the street outside the church, and then place the LTG on the trap piece under the storm. Fight off the zombies for 60 seconds at the LTG until the HVT spawns.
Weaken the HVT, but do not kill it right away. Make sure to lead it near the canister and trap it in the street. This HVT should also spark purple when weak. Activate the trap and make sure it dies while the trap is active to collect the essence into the canister.
Take this filled canister to the church and deposit into the machine before the timer runs out, but do not interact with the machine again.
Once the canister is deposited, the machine will prompt you to interact with it, but this will start the boss fight. Now, you'll want to gear up before the boss encounter.
Boss fight prep
If you're able to get all the steps done before round 25, you should be able to make do with level 2 armor and tier 2 Pack-a-Punched weapons. You'll want at least essential perks like Juggernog and Quick Revive. Craft a self-revive if possible.
Helpful equipment includes Decoy grenades and Monkey Bombs to distract zombies. Napalm ammo mod will help against the larger enemies. Don't bother with aerial killstreaks as you'll be indoors. Try using sentry guns or the Mutant Injection instead.
Shotguns and LGMs with a high ammo count might be helpful here.
Boss fight
This takes place inside the church, so you don't have a lot of wiggle room. This fight is played out in three waves.
The first wave is just clearing out a ton of zombies, then you'll get an elite Mangler, and finally an elite Abomination. Survive and clear the waves.
Once the fight is over, there will be a prompt where all of your team gets knocked. So, don't panic. This gives you a final cutscene. The Liberty Falls main Easter egg is now complete.
For more on Zombies, check out our full guide on custom Zombies loadouts. Here you can find the steps to unlock the Easter egg songs for Liberty Falls and Terminus.
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